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2024 - 2025
FFA Chapter Vice President


Name: Mia Cho
Grade: Junior
Year in AG: Third

Why do you wish to serve as an FFA Officer? 

I wish to serve as an FFA officer because the last year of being an officer has been the main factor in my personal growth and achieving goals that I had never thought I would even set. This year has provided me with experiences and opportunities to grow as a leader and I have gained countless skills in this area that I would be honored to carry over into the 2022-2023 officer team. It is my goal for this next year to inspire, include, and involve others and an officer team is an excellent place for me to explore new ways to influence those around me. Furthermore, I have a newfound importance of making memories and lifelong friendships that I have gained through the officer team and within the Sunny Hills FFA chapter. The team has been an open space for me to explore my own leadership capabilities and achievements as well as encourage others to do so as well, and I wish to continue this journey as a member of the 2022-2023 officer team.  


From what you understand, what do you believe an officer's responsibilities are? 

From what I have experienced and understood, it is the duty of an officer to attend weekly meetings, create and run socials and other chapter events, welcome new members, inform the public and younger schools about the FFA, attend conferences and competitions that will benefit their leadership capabilities and that of the chapter, and to represent the Sunny Hills FFA chapter on large scales and locally. On a more profound scale, it is also the responsibility of an officer to uphold their personal morals and duties outside of the FFA classroom and the farm. It is an officer's job to encourage other members, inspire new members, and represent the Sunny Hills FFA chapter in a positive light at home, on the main campus, and everywhere in between whether we are sporting the blue jacket or not. Being a member of the officer team has brought me greater pride, responsibility, work ethic, and morals that I treasure in my everyday life and I am able to use these qualities and abilities to improve causes greater than myself, and I would like nothing more than to continue these actions through the 2022-2023 officer team. 


What qualities do you possess that would make you a good FFA officer?

I would describe myself as a compassionate and servant leader. First, I possess the ability to create connections with those I lead through personal interaction and relations. I find this to be beneficial to both parties in the way that personal relations create trust, bonding, and productivity within a group of leaders and among those we lead. Next, I work extremely well with my peers and adults in a professional setting. This quality has taken me to places I never could have imagined, and making these connections in an industry like agriculture is vital for progression as a team, an individual, and an industry. Furthermore, I pride myself in my ability to include others. The FFA is an organization made to include all people and serve America. Including as many new members and igniting excitement in the existing members of the Sunny Hills FFA program is crucial to the organization. Lastly, I pride myself on my positivity and openness to new opportunities and situations. When the need arises, I am able to look on the bright side and search for a chance to learn something new. Overall, I would classify myself as a leader who is capable of serving the Sunny Hills FFA chapter and leading the members within the chapter with pride, honor, responsibility, and dignity. 


What FFA events have you participated in?

I have participated in many events so far through the Sunny Hills FFA program during my two years. Sadly, during my freshman year, I did not have many opportunities to become involved as much as I would have liked due to COVID-19. However, I am convinced that I was able to "make up for lost time" during my sophomore year. I was unaware of the experiences I would gain by submitting my first officer application, but the memories I have made this year made me sure of submitting another. Along with serving on the 2021-2022 Officer team, I began my sophomore year with the opening/closing contest. Next, I moved on to a fall pig project in which I earned the novice grand champion title at Hillside. Shortly after, I began to work on my proficiency application for which I have just accepted a State award for this project. I have also attended several conferences including the section conference, the chapter greenhand conference (which I helped to facilitate), and the California state conference in which I had the honor to serve as a delegate for the Sunny Hills FFA program. Recently the Agriculture Sales team which I participated in this year took 3rd in State, and being a part of this team took dedication, public speaking skills, hard work, and a willingness to learn, as many of my other events and projects that I have completed this year. Currently, I am involved in a lamb project, and I am planning to show my lamb at the Citrus fair and at OC fair in representing Sunny Hills FFA livestock. I owe many of these experiences to my time as an FFA officer, and I hope to continue this thorough involvement in the 2022-2023 Office. 


What part of the FFA emblem best represents you as an individual? Why?

I believe that the rising sun represents me best as an individual and as a member of the FFA. I am dedicated to ensuring the future of agriculture, in keeping progression constant through sustainability, and progressive adaptations in the agriculture industry, all while keeping our grassroots work ethic and morals that members and farmers have upheld since the beginning. Every day is a new day glowing with opportunity and the chance to inspire me, others, the agriculture industry, and the world around me. The rising sun also envelopes the true qualities and duties of a leader, and I would consider it an honor to progress further in my FFA officer career by representing the rising sun in my everyday duties and actions. Overall, my view of tomorrow, my leadership capabilities, and my personal resilience go hand in hand with the symbol of the rising sun.  


Besides FFA - what other activities are you involved in? Do you foresee any other activities to cause time conflicts with your service as an FFA Officer?

I am involved in 2 volunteer programs at the aquarium of the pacific and I am also a student-athlete playing volleyball. This year I have been able to happily say that FFA comes first. I stay dedicated as much as possible and I am able to create schedules and boundaries with my other programs that allow plenty of time for my #1 priority: FFA. 


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