2014 - 2015 Chapter News
Orange Section Treasurer

After weeks of preparing and reciting her speech, Heather Hunt has run for the office of Treasurer at the Orange Section Spring Meeting at Don Lugo High School. She has had the experience of being our Chapter Treasurer this year as well as seeing new faces at the section, region and state levels. She is excited and pumped to serve you all at the chapter and section levels the following year. Congratulations and we wish you the best of luck as you serve as our 2015-2016 Section Treasurer!!

La Habra Citrus Fair Finalists
Students with a Livestock project had the pleasure of participating in the Progress and Showmanship competitions at the La Habra Citrus Fair. After weeks of practice and dedication, three individuals have moved on to Champion Drive. Breanna Uyeno placed Reserve Grand Champion with her Lamb Project, and Heather Hunt and Adrian Pacheco have placed first for Showmanship. After showing five species of animals, Adrian and Heather have placed fifth and second on Master Showmanship. Congratulations!
Baby Lamb on the Farm

Chapter Office
The time has come again for elections at Sunny Hills FFA. Each year the officer team strives to encourage students to grow in leadership and develop skills essential to career success. Interested in running for office? Want to make a difference in the lives of students through Chapter events and socials? There will be an interest meeting on April 8, 2015 and interviews will be held on April 10, 2015. Please make sure to have all spots on the application filled by the day of interviews. If you have any questions or concerns please speak to Mr. Kim

Southern Region Speech Finalist
On February 11, 2015 a new addition was made at the farm, specifically the Lambs. A baby Lamb was born, weighing around ten to twenty pounds this little baby is running around the pasture following his mommy. After a while of bouncing around names, the students have concluded to name the handsome whether Louis.
The FFA Creed is a competition for first year Agriculture students where they recite the FFA Creed written by E.M. Tiffany. We had four students participate this year at Sonora High School for the Orange Section Speech contest on February 26. Selected finalists then competed at Cal Poly Pomona on March 24, 2015 for Soutern Region. Our student Mikai Sun has been working hard, reciting the creed over and over, and has made first place as a Region finalist!! He will compete at the state level at Fresno in April. Congratulations Mikai!!!
Chapter Places 1st for Outstanding Chapter Website

At the Region and State levels, chapters throughout California may enter a Chapter Website Contest, where the site is judged based on: theme, website functions (e.g. functional links/pages), use of color and images, and much more. This year, we have decided to enter the Outstanding Chapter Website Contest for our region. Thanks to the hard work and support from our advisor Mr. Kim, Chapter Reporter Kailey Conway and Chapter member Christopher Oh, we have placed 1st for this contest. Congratulations and Thank you!
Our Last Drive-Thru BBQ of the Year!

This past year, we have hosted a total of three Drive-Thru Barbecues including the Fall Festival. Through this final BBQ, students who raise animal projects were given the opportunity to sell tickets in order to receive fair add-ons. During our final BBQ, we have raised a total of $1,000 in profit and our advisor hopes that this fundraiser will hopefully expand and thrive in the near future!